Christmas Chia Pudding = Božićni chia puding

(Scroll down for recipe in English)

Čokoladni puding s okusom Božića! Kremast i čokoladan, s finim, toplim aromama cimeta, klinčića, korice limuna i ruma, ovaj potpuno prirodni i zdravi puding ne sadrži laktozu, gluten i bijeli šećer, a bogat je antioksidansima, zdravim mastima i vlaknima.

Moju dragu Marinu Lifts i mene je oduševio na prvi zalogaj, i to toliko da je dobio radni naziv "Božićna čarolija". Zato ovih blagdana ne propustite napraviti ovaj jednostavan i zdrav desert, i razveselite svoje nepce i nepca vaših najmilijih božićnim aromama.


za 2 osobe

50 g chia sjemenki
400 ml zobenog mlijeka okusa čokolade
1 žl kakaa
1 žl sirupa agave
1/4 čžl naribane korice limuna
1/4 čžl cimeta u prahu
3-4 klinčića
par kapi arome ruma
prtohvat soli

U zdjeli dobro pomiješati sve sastojke i ostaviti u hladnjaku na barem pola sata, a najbolje preko noći. Prebaciti u čaše, dekorirati po želji i poslužiti - to je sve!

U slast!

Kalorijska vrijednost: 
281 kcal

7 g

12 g

Ugljikohidrati (Šećeri):
34 g (21 g)

Dijetalna vlakna: 
10 g

Bogato kalijem, kalcijem i željezom.

Christmas Chia Pudding

Chocolate pudding with a Christmas flavor! Creamy and chocolatey, with delicate, warm aromas of cinnamon, cloves, lemon zest and rum, this all natural and healthy pudding contains no lactose, gluten or white sugar, and is rich in antioxidants, healthy fats and fiber.

My dear Marina Lifts and myself fell in love with this dessert on a first bite, so much so it got a working title: "Christmas Magic". So do not miss out on this simple and healthy dessert, and bring joy to your palate and to the palates of your loved ones with favorite Christmas aromas.


serves 2 

50 g chia seeds
400 ml chocolate oat milk
1 tbsp cacao powder
1 tbsp agave syrup
1/4 tsp lemon zest
1/4 tsp cinnamon powder
3-4 cloves
a couple of drops of rum flavoring
a pinch of salt

In a bowl or a jar, mix all ingredients well, refrigerate for at least half an hour and best overnight, then transfer into glasses, decorate and serve - easy as that!


Caloric value: 
281 kcal

7 g

12 g

Carbohydrates (Sugars):
34 g (21 g)

10 g

High in potassium, calcium and iron.



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