Sugar-free Cornelian Cherry Marmalade = Marmelada od drena bez šećera
(Scroll down for recipe in English)
Marmelada od drena bez šećera i konzervansa - savršena u kombinaciji s maslacem bilo koje vrste ili kao dodatak palačinkama, zobenoj kaši ili sladoledu... Zrava k'o dren, ova je marmelada aromatizirana koricom limuna, cimetom, klinčićima i vanilijom, zaslađena stevijom, a zgusnuta chia sjemenkama.
Dren je kod nas rasprostranjena, ali pomalo zaboravljena, iznimno ljekovita biljka čiji je plod bogat vitaminom C, pektinom i organskim kiselinama te pomaže kod anemije, bolesti bubrega, uspješno regulira krvni tlak i liječi crijevne bolesti.
za cca. 800 g marmelade1 kg zrelih plodova drena
korica 1 limuna
1 žl cimeta
1 čžl klinčića
1/2 čžl sjemenki vanilije
2 žl stevije (ili sladila po želji)
2 žl chia sjemenki
Plodove drena oprati i staviti da se kuhaju u loncu na laganoj vatri uz neprestano miješanje. Kad malo omekšaju dodati naribanu koricu limuna, cimet, vaniliju i klinčiće i nastaviti miješati dok se koštice ne počnu odvajati.
U slast!
Za porciju od 20 g:
Kalorijska vrijednost:
24 kcal
3 g
0.1 g
16 g
Dijetalna vlakna:
2.5 g
Bogato vitaminom C i željezom.
Sugar-free Cornelian Cherry Marmalade
Sugar and preservative-free jam - perfect in combination with butter of any kind or as an sweet addition to pancakes, oatmeal or ice-cream... All natural and healthy, this marmalade is flavored with lemon, cinnamon, cloves and vanilla, sweetened with stevia, and thickened withchia seeds.Cornelian cherry is a widespread, but somewhat forgotten, extremely medicinal plant whose fruit is rich in vitamin C, pectin and organic acids, and helps with anemia, kidney disease, regulating blood pressure and treating intestinal diseases.
yields cca. 800 g of marmelade1 kg ripe cornel cherry fruit
zest of 1 lemon
1tbsp cinnamon
1 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp vanilla seeds
2 tbsp stevia (or sweetener of choice)
2 tbsp chia seeds
Wash the fruit and cook in a pot over low heat with constant stirring. When fruit slightly soften add the zest of a lemon, cinnamon, vanilla, and cloves, and continue to stir until the kernels begin to separate.
Remove the marmalade from the heat and sieve to remove all the kernels and cloves. Return on the heat, sweeten, add chia seeds and stir well until it thickens. Allow to cool slightly, then fill sterilized jars. Keep it in the fridge and use it all up within a week.
Per serving (20 g):
Caloric value:
24 kcal
3 g
0.1 g
16 g
2.5 g
High in vitamin C and iron.